Looking for Glitter in the Muck

Caitlin Bangsund

Bonjour, I’m Caitlin

I’m not French, but I dream of going to Paris. And of a world where we find delight even in the hard moments of life. I would like to invite you to meet Marvellous Macey, my daughter. She is the girl I didn’t know I always needed.

Love is dangerous and beautiful. I write to understand it. And to unravel grief and search for hope. I want to encourage you to press on, one tiny step at a time. The tiny steps count.

What Others Say

"I can honestly tell you that when I feel defeated or am struggling through something I think of you and all your family has overcome and I find so much positivity and inspiration. I feel like I should thank you for that - you are simply just a very bright light and as you say in your story - you were meant to have Macey as yours - you were built for it!!!!"


"Caitlin will be releasing a children's book soon that is not only based on my niece's incredible journey to date, but adds representation that is much needed in children's literature. Teacher and educator friends, you're going to want this in your library.”

~ LC

"Macey is a remarkable girl with a miraculous story.”

~ TH

"Thanks for the inspiration Caitlin. Our family thinks of all of you often and we talk about Macey a lot. Whenever the kids feel like things are too much, I just say, ‘Remember Macey -- if she can be strong, so can you’ and it always pulls them through. She is indeed an inspiration to so many - and as her courageous Mama, by sharing your writing, you help us find our way forward too.”



Unequipped for this?
Unequipped for this?

I never ‘planned’ to have a daughter with a disability. I don't even know how to label or not label her. Having a child with a disability does not mean I am all of a sudden equipped with the knowledge I need to advocate properly or understand her. I am not sure...

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Glitter & Muck


Face the muck. Find the glitter. Press on when things are hard.  


 I am a glitter chaser & writer. Raw dough & tequila lover. Trauma survivor. Hate bugs and yogurt. I'm searching for hope, and writing about my experiences with it.


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