Word Gloss

The Shadows Are Better Shared. You Are Not Alone.
The Shadows Are Better Shared. You Are Not Alone.

Be Who You Are I hope my writing is encouraging and inspiring. But even more I’d like it to be comforting.  We want the voices in our heads to feel ‘normal’ and to know that we are not alone in our fears. It is comforting to hear someone else express something you’re...

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11 Treasures of Trial and Trauma ~Glitter in the Muck~
11 Treasures of Trial and Trauma ~Glitter in the Muck~

We need to know ~to remember~ that treasures don’t usually lay on the surface. It is called “treasure hunting” because sometimes they are hard to find.  The Grinch couldn’t really steal Christmas because in Whoville it wasn’t about what lay on the surface.  Macey’s...

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I Will Do A Lot For A Reward
I Will Do A Lot For A Reward

Franks hot sauce and I go way back. Same with me and cookie dough (and pie, bread, or muffin dough too).    I had a friend bring pie dough and pie filling in two separate bowls to a Christmas party once. Even if we were the only two weirdos who thought it was...

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Can We Share The Hope And The Heavy?
Can We Share The Hope And The Heavy?

I don’t just carry the trial and trauma of Macey’s fight in my heart.  There was a day in September 2016, during active treatment, where I was able to articulate the heaviness of carrying other families' stories in my heart too.  Macey was having treatment. She wasn’t...

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So You Want To Be A Supermom?
So You Want To Be A Supermom?

First of all, if you’re just a regular mom, you ARE super. It’s dang hard at the best of times. Throw in loud, sticky, incessant interrupters who want screen time and give you grey hairs, and that takes the cake (and smashes it on the left side of your cheek). We ask...

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